Stop propagation of the event, blocking the dispatch to next listener on the queue. Does not work for loops.
Time between each trigger on button held
Will reset all controls that were set together upon this button press. Double check it usage when "no_initial_reset" was set to true in further controls. Only works if "persist" is false.
The sfx to be played on key down. You can also pass a function the returns the sfx key.
The sfx to be played on key up. You can also pass a function the returns the sfx key.
The passed callbacks will be called just once and then automatically unbound. ControlManager.reset has no effect over it. Use ControlManager.detach_bindings to detach bindings in the case it's not necessary to call the callbacks anymore. If this parameter is true, "persist", "reset_controls" and "no_initial_reset" have no effect. Don't work for loops.
Whether to reset the current controls before attaching new ones. Only works for controls set with "persist" false. When setting this to true, use it wiselly.
Whether the bindings set must persist even if ControlManager.reset is called. If true, ControlManager.detach_bindings need to be called to disable these controls.
If true, only button A will receive the callback. Otherwise button B also receives.
Whether to reset the current controls before attaching new ones. Only works for controls set with "persist" false. When setting this to true, use it wiselly.
Whether the bindings set must persist even if ControlManager.reset is called. If true, ControlManager.detach_bindings need to be called to disable these controls.
Will reset all controls that were set together upon this button press. Double check it usage when "no_initial_reset" was set to true in further controls. Only works if "persist" is false.
The sfx to be played upon button pressed.
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The button that will fire the callbacks. If it's an array, the buttons will be tested if pressed in order.