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  • new AudioPlayEvent(game: any, data: any, active: any, key_name: any, keep_reveal: any, keep_custom_psynergy: any, audio_type: any, audio_key: any, volume: any, loop: any, fade_in: any, in_parallel: any, bgm_identifier: any, finish_events: any): AudioPlayEvent


_bgm: Sound
audio_key: string
audio_type: audio_types
bgm_identifier: string
data: GoldenSun
fade_in: boolean
finish_events: GameEvent[] = []
game: Game
in_parallel: boolean
loop: boolean
volume: number
events: {}

The events object where the keys are the ids.

Type declaration

id_incrementer: number

The GameEvents id incrementer.

labeled_events: {}

The events object where the keys are the events labels.

Type declaration


  • get active(): boolean
  • get id(): number
  • get keep_reveal(): boolean
  • get key_name(): string
  • get origin_npc(): NPC


  • _destroy(): void
  • _fire(): void
  • destroy(): void
  • This function is the one that should be called to destroy an event. It should never be overriden. Call this function to destroy this event. This can be called whenever an associated entity is destroyed, like maps, NPCs etc.

    Returns void

  • finish(): void
  • fire(origin_npc?: NPC): void
  • This function is the one that should be called to start a event. It should never be overriden. Always before this function is called, it's checked whether Reveal psynergy is being casted, if yes, it's stopped before this event start.


    • Optional origin_npc: NPC

      the NPC that originated this game event.

    Returns void

    if the child class has an async fire function, returns its Promise.

  • set_event_activation(activate: boolean): void
  • get_char(data: GoldenSun, options: { is_npc?: boolean; npc_index?: number; npc_label?: string }): Hero | NPC
  • A helper function that defines the ControllableChar based on inputs. The controllable char can be a hero or a npc.


    • data: GoldenSun

      The GoldenSun instance.

    • options: { is_npc?: boolean; npc_index?: number; npc_label?: string }

      Some options to help defining the char.

      • Optional is_npc?: boolean

        Whether it's a npc or not.

      • Optional npc_index?: number

        The npc index number.

      • Optional npc_label?: string

        The npc unique label identifier.

    Returns Hero | NPC

    the defined char.

  • get_labeled_event(key_name: string): GameEvent
  • reset(): void

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