Whether the char will perform a ground hit animation.
Whether an exclamation emoticon will appear over the char before falling.
The char will splash sweat drops before falling.
Teleport info. If passed, the char will teleport to another map while falling.
The destination collision layer index in the dest map.
The teleport map key name destination.
The destination position.
The x tile position.
The y tile position.
If true, the char will diminish instead of fall before teleport.
The origin position that the char will be just after the teleport.
The x tile position.
The y tile position.
If true, the char sprite will be brought to the top on z-index while falling.
Callback to be called before teleport begin.
Whether the char will performa a walking in the air animation before falling.
The final y-tile position that the char will reach after falling.
Callback to be called after hitting the ground.
The events object where the keys are the ids.
The GameEvents id incrementer.
The events object where the keys are the events labels.
Whether this GameEvent is active or not.
The GameEvent id number.
If true, Reveal Psynergy won't be stopped on this event fire.
An unique label that identifies this GameEvent. This is optional.
If this GameEvent was originated by a NPC, this var holds this NPC reference.
The GameEvent type.
This abstract function is the one that GameEvent child classes should override. It should never be called.
This abstract function is the one that GameEvent child classes should override. It should never be called.
This function is the one that should be called to destroy an event. It should never be overriden. Call this function to destroy this event. This can be called whenever an associated entity is destroyed, like maps, NPCs etc.
This function is the one that should be called to start a event. It should never be overriden. Always before this function is called, it's checked whether Reveal psynergy is being casted, if yes, it's stopped before this event start.
the NPC that originated this game event.
if the child class has an async fire function, returns its Promise.
Actives or deactives this event.
whether to active or not.
A helper function that defines the ControllableChar based on inputs. The controllable char can be a hero or a npc.
The GoldenSun instance.
Some options to help defining the char.
Whether it's a npc or not.
The npc index number.
The npc unique label identifier.
the defined char.
Get a specific event by its id.
The event id.
Returns the event.
Gets an event that was labeled.
The event key.
Returns the labeled event, if the given key wasn't found, returns null.
Destroys all game events and resets the id counter.
Generated using TypeDoc
The destination collision layer index.