The player agility points.
The player attack points.
The base amount of turns that this player has.
This maps a given ability key to a non-default ability animation key.
The player battle scale.
The player battle shadow sprite key.
This player stats before applying buffers.
Stats points added/decreased by ability (buffers debuffers) on this player.
The player current experience points.
The player current HP.
The player current PP.
Main GoldenSun object.
The player defense points.
The effect: remaining turns to vanish dictionary.
The list of Effects that affect this player.
The elemental level base value stats object.
The elemental power base value stats object.
The elemental resist base value stats object.
The elemental power before buffs stats object.
The elemental resist before buffs stats object.
The elemental power added by buffs stats object.
The elemental resist added by buffs stats object.
The elemental level stats object.
The elemental power stats object.
The elemental resist stats object.
Any extra stats points added to the main stats of this player.
The extra amount of turns that this player has.
Whether it's an ally or enemy in the main party point of view.
The player HP recovery points.
Returns whether this char is in the party or not.
The player key name.
The player current level.
The player luck points.
The player max HP.
The player max PP.
The player name.
The rxjs Subject that's triggered when this player suffers a status change.
Whether the player is paralyzed by any Effect in battle.
The permanent status set. Use this property only to check whether the player has a given status.
The player PP recovery points.
The aditional shift added to status sprite in battle.
The temporary status set. Use this property only to check whether the player has a given status.
The current amount of turns that this player has.
Returns a list of abilities of this char. This abilities can be of any nature.
Returns the class of this char.
Returns a list of djinn separated by element type.
Returns a list of djinn sorted by djinn index that this char owns.
Returns the element afinity of this char.
Returns the experience curve points of this char.
If this char is equipping an item that changes his class, this function returns the class type of the class that this item grants. If no class changer item is equipped, returns -1.
Checks if this char inventory is full.
Returns the list of items of this char.
Return the list of abities that this char learnt during the game.
Returns the special class family type of this char. Returns -1 of no special type.
Returns the SpriteBase object of this char.
Returns the y-adjusment value that is used to fit the weapon sprite on char battle sprite.
Returns the SpriteBase object of the weapons sprites of this char.
Adds a specific djinn to this char and do all the necessary attribute updates.
The djinn key name.
Adds an amount of experience to this char. This char level, class, abilities and attributes are also updated if needed.
the amount of experience to add.
returns the before and after exp add char status, like level, abilities and stats.
Increments by a value a given extra main stat of this char.
the extra main stat.
the quantity to increment.
whether the char correspondent main stat should be updated.
Adds an item to this char. If this char already has the given item, this function will just increase this item quantity.
The item key name.
The amount of this item to add.
if true, this item will be equipped.
return true if the item was added.
Changes level of a character. borrowed the implementation of MainChar.add_exp.
the target level value we want to set.
returns the before and after exp add char status, like level, abilities and stats.
Equips an item to this char. This char must already own the item. After equipping, all relevant updates are done like abilities, class, attributes, effects etc.
the item slot index of this char.
only sets this to true if constructing this char.
Initializes this char djinn list and updates this char elemental attributes. Call this function when constructing a char.
list of initial djinn key names.
When starting a battle, resets all temporary status and buffers turns count values.
Initializes this char items by equipping them.
Adds a new ability to this char.
the ability key
whether it should update the final abilities list of this char.
Previews the changes of trading, giving, receiving and/or changing the status of a list of djinn. These changes are in class, abilities and stats.
The stats the you want to analyze.
The djinn key names.
The next djinn status. Must match with djinni_key_names size.
Whether it's trading or giving a djinn.
Returns an object with the changes info.
Previews the elemental stats values without abilities effects.
returns the preview values for power, resist and level for each element.
Previews a stat value by ignoring all abilities effects.
the stat to be previewed.
returns the stat preview value.
Previews a stat value without the given effect of an item.
the effect type.
the item effect object.
the item key name.
returns the corresponding stat preview value of the given effect.
Removes a specific djinn to this char and do all the necessary attribute updates.
The djinn key name.
Removes/drops an item from this char. If the item is equipped, it will be unequipped. If the given quantity is smaller than the current quantity, the item slot for the given item will be kept, otherwise, it will be removed.
this char item slot you wish to remove.
the quantity to be removed. Default is 1.
if removing a cursed item, removes the curse too.
Removes a specific djinni, then adds another specific djinni.
The key name of the djinni to be removed.
The key name of the djinni to be addeed.
Sorts this char items inventory.
Unequips an item to this char. After unequipping, all relevant updates are done like abilities, class, attributes, effects etc.
the item slot index of this char.
if unequipping a cursed item, removes the curse too.
Updates the abilities list of this char reggarding class, innate abilities and equipped items that grant abilities.
Updates all important attributes of this char like stats, class, abilities etc.
Updates all main stats of this char.
Updates this char class.
Updates all elemental stats of this char.
if true, the stats won't be updated and the calculated values returned.
if true, abilities effects won't be considered.
if preview is true, it returns the calculated stats.
Updates the amount of turns that this char has in battle.
Distributes djinn among chars equally.
the party data object.
Generated using TypeDoc
This class represents a main char of the game, the ones that can be integrated into the party like Isaac, Felix, Jenna, Mia, Garet etc.