Sets any custom callback to be called on update function while any game event is in action.
the callback to be called.
Starts all related game events to a NPC.
The NPC.
The GameEvent factory. Returns a specific GameEvent child instance depending on the input.
The parsed raw properties of a game event.
The game event the originated this one.
The entity (IO or NPC) the originated this game event.
The GameEvent child class instance.
Gets any kind of engine value that the engine user may want use in game events. This function is used in BranchEvents, for instance. The values used for comparison in this kind of event are retrieved using this function.
The value specification.
if true, will stringfy position objects.
The engine value issued by the user.
Ends the hero and npc interaction.
The NPC to end interaction.
the previous npc interaction before it start.
Initializes the hero and npc interaction.
The NPC to interact.
returns the previous npc direction.
Starts common npc dialogs.
The NPC to dialog with.
The NPC dialog message.
Removes the given callback of the list of callbacks that are called while any game event is in action. The given callback must be already added by calling GameEventManager.add_callback method.
the callback to be removed.
Look for valid npcs in the nearby.
Initialize the controls that allow interaction with NPCs.
Make hero and npc look each other.
The NPC that the hero is interacting with.
Checks and configs the type of interaction that the given NPC yields.
the NPC.
The main game event update function. Whenever a game event is running, this function is called every single frame.
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The game events counter. This variable shows how many game events are running at the moment.